Saturday, I actually enjoyed running, for the first time since February. I don't normally consider myself a runner, but the other runners at work think I am, and I do run races, albeit slowly. Mostly, I just figure I run to stay more or less in shape.
In February, I went out running. As I started this run, it felt good. It felt really good. I got out, started moving, and felt the speed pick up. This was the first time I had ran (outside) since Thanksgiving, although I'd put in a few miles on the treadmills in out HOA's gym. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Normally, when I run, it's monotonous, boring, and dreadfully slow. This time, I didn't care; I just ran and felt good about the movement.
Since then, I trained for and ran a 5K on campus. I didn't do so hot. At least Janet showed up after the race, so she couldn't make fun of how slow I was.
Saturday, though, I ran again, and it just felt good again. This time, instead of running on the roads near my house, I ran on the trails in the battlefield. It was uphill, downhill, skirting logs, over bridges, avoiding roots, etc... It felt great! I believe I am a runner- a trail runner.
I'm super happy you have seen the light about how great running is, but WHERE ARE ALL THE PICTURES OF MY NEPHEW?????
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