Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summertime Fun

Ok, so I know its been a long time since I posted anything. At least, I can only get better. :) Here are the highlights of our 2011 summer.

-Visiting Joe's family in Wisconsin. Joe could only stay for a few days, but Afton and I were able to stay for a couple of weeks. Afton loved playing with her cousins, aunts and uncles. We were able to meet our newest niece, Sadie. It was fun just hanging out with the fam.

-Joe and I went on the 4th year girls' camp adventure. We went, or I guess I should say Joe went biking and white water rafting for the adventure. (For some reason, the outfitters don't like pregnant women doing these things and I couldn't convince them that I've just been eating too many donuts lately.) Anyways, a lot of the girls had crushes on Joe. It was hilarious. They called him Mr. Matt Damon and heat attacked his tent and such. It was pretty dang funny. Lucky me, Joe likes older and more mature girls. :)

-Cocoa had to have surgery to remove many and many bladder stones. She is much happier now!
-The County Fair. It was a little on the hot side, at least from my very pregnant perspective. Afton loved it- the animals and especially the rides. She loved the merry go round and the flying elephant ride, but she especially loved the bigger kid rides like the ferris wheel and such. We've decided that Afton has no fear when it comes to big scary roller coaster rides.
-Going to the pool throughout the summer. Afton loves the water and would stay at the pool all day if I would let her. She loves to swim underwater and being a mermaid. It was especially nice just being able to cool off in the hot summer.
-Getting some house projects done. Our guest bedroom is now cleaned out where people can actually sleep in it. Yahoo!!We redecorated Logan's room with a cute train and automobile motif. I'm glad it makes me feel like its a new room.
-There was an earthquake in Virginia. It was pretty awesome. It was small scale with minimal damage (we didn't even have anything fall off of our walls.) It took me a little bit to realize we were actually having an earthquake; I mean come on, who has earthquakes in VA? Anyways, it was pretty dang exciting. :)

-Camping out in Shenandoah Nat'l Park. We only stayed the one night but it was so fun. It was the first time I haven't played any jokes on anyone, such as toilet-papering and such, but families were still scared or maybe just paranoid. :) Afton loved camping, especially roasting the marshmallows. She would say, "Here Mommy, let me show you how to do it. You just do it like this" and sticks the marshmallow straight into the fire so its nice and crispy for me. We left after breakfast- something about a hurricane coming in, which by the way turned out to be very anti-climatic.


Margaret said...

Wow, I had some hair!

Andrea said...

No jokes and pranks, whatever! I saw what you did to the bathroom. Stop trying to act all innocent!!!

ugkuyg said...

Hahaha, Dan and I laughed at that VA Earthquake picture.
We miss you guys! Sounds like you're having fun!