Someone once said that using multiple exclamation marks in a row is a sign of insanity. Good.
Monday night, Tracy came down with the flu, or maybe it was a cold. Meh. Either way, she had it for three days, then I got it just in time to miss work Friday
and the camping trip I had planned with several other couples we know. I was feeling good enough on Satuday to go to the COPE course, participate some in the COPE Discovery Day activities, and get a sunburn.
On the plus side, someone must have told the BYU football team that winning would have made me feel better, because they put on a terrific show against Arizona, and beat them handily. I felt better (until this morning)
Also, I passed another Microsoft Training test, so now I'm just one test away from my MSCA on Windows Server 2003. Unfortunately, the only test left is the hardest one.
At school, my rock climbing class got canceled. Apparently, GMU thinks that 4 students aren't enough to hold a class. I think it's the perfect number for a rock climbing class. My geogrpahy class is going well, but I bought the wrong textbook from Amazon. The class is using the 4th edition of the textbook. I got the 1st. Oops.