I've been meaning to post the pics for a while now, but never finished doing it. Afton is getting cuter by the day. Yesterday, we spent about 20 minutes making faces in the bathroom mirror. She even tried to touch her reflection. It was really cute. She's starting to smile more and more. She had her 2 month check up and is now officially 10 lbs. She only grew 1/4 inch which I have a hard time believing. That puts her at 20 3/4 inches long, which is in the 25th percentile. Who would have guessed we could produce a short baby! :) For the most part, she's sleeping through the night which is awesome!
Anyways, I'm just trying to pack things up for moving on Saturday. Yikes!
Where are you moving too?? I had not heard. Glad things are going well. Don't worry about the %'s Saedy is in the 0% for weight, and yet she is healthy.
How adorable! Planning any trips up to Wisconsin soon? I want to meet her!
Sleeping through the night? Yikers!!! Sahara wasn't sleeping through the night until she was 9 months old. I hope we get that lucky! :) She's so darn cute! Your post made me go back to our blog - July 2006, when Sahara was 2 months old -- I miss that time! Amy :)
Yep, she's cute! And I don't really believe that she's going to be short.
Wow! She is such a doll Tres!! Don't forget you promised to post pics of your new place!
She is SOOO adorable!!! (But why is she eating her lamb? ;) I really hope we can see you guys sometime soon. Are you going to be around over the 4th of July weekend?
Did Afton survive the move? You did remember to move her too, didn't you...? ;)
She is adorable how are things going with the move? Hopefully all is gong well. I think i have to agree with margaretI dont think she is going to be short either love ya Becka:)
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