For what you all have been waiting for...
Joe has hit the big 160 lbs!!!! He is now the buffest man in our house (although he is the only one!!)
He seriously almost hit the roof, when he weighed himself today. We celebrated by eating lunch of hot dogs and chips, so he might weigh 162 by now. And yes, he still weighs more than me and the baby, although barely!! :)
In this picture, he's carrying twins! :)
(Obviously, I'm just kidding on that one)
On a random note, whoever invented rice cookers was ingenious!! I will never burn rice again!! (Well ,that's the goal anyways.)
Can 220 be far behind?
Most impressive! I wonder if Steven is still at 160? How tall is Joes again?
ben's not very impressed... (his exact words are "I'd sit on him and squish him,")haha.
I dare him to come make that comment himself. The big busy bully. :)
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